However, implementing an effective national SEO strategy requires expertise and resources. Companies often turn to SEO agencies or consultants to help them with their national SEO efforts. One of the key questions businesses have when considering hiring an SEO agency is pricing. This guide will discuss the factors influencing national SEO pricing and what to expect when working with an SEO company like BEND Advisory Group.

Pricing Models for National SEO Services

When hiring an SEO company for national SEO services, understanding the various pricing models can help businesses make informed decisions based on their budget and goals. SEO's complexity and multitude of services mean that pricing can vary widely from one company to another. Below are some common pricing models used by SEO service providers, along with insights into their benefits and potential drawbacks, which can affect a business's engagement with these services.

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Hourly Rate

Flexible pricing, ideal for short-term projects or when the scope is uncertain. Costs can increase with larger or more complex projects.

Best for businesses that need occasional SEO tasks or prefer to control expenses based on hours worked.

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Monthly Retainer

Predictable monthly costs with ongoing SEO services. Best for companies with consistent SEO needs.

Provides stability and regular service, ensuring that the website's SEO performance is continuously monitored and optimized.

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Set cost for a specific project or campaign. Suitable for businesses looking to achieve particular SEO goals.

Ideal for short-term, clearly defined SEO tasks like a website audit or local SEO optimization.

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Payments are tied to achieving specific SEO results. Best for businesses looking to pay based on performance outcomes.

Risk-based pricing, generally beneficial if the SEO company is confident in delivering measurable results.

Expertise and Experience

Tiered Packages

Fixed packages offering different levels of service. Best for businesses that want a range of options suited to different needs and budgets.

Combines flexibility and predictability with various service levels to suit different business sizes and goals.

Hourly Rate

The hourly rate pricing model is a straightforward way to engage SEO services, where agencies charge you based on the time spent on your projects. This model offers flexibility, letting you allocate resources according to your specific needs and budget. For example, if you're a small business looking to optimize your website, you might only need a few hours per month for on-page SEO or technical audits, making this an economical choice. However, if you're a larger enterprise aiming for comprehensive keyword research, content generation, and link-building, costs can rise as project demands grow.

Clear communication with your SEO agency about the hours needed for each task can help avoid unexpected expenses. Tracking time effectively ensures both parties understand the progress and outcomes, so consult your agency to estimate the time required for different services. For instance, if an SEO agency estimates a website audit will take about ten hours, this helps you budget appropriately and sets expectations for the audit's thoroughness and scope. Understanding this model allows you to strategically invest in SEO based on your priorities while ensuring a transparent partnership with your SEO provider.

Hourly Rate

Monthly Retainer

The monthly retainer pricing model is popular for businesses seeking ongoing SEO services. Under this model, companies pay a fixed amount each month in exchange for a set range of services. This approach provides stability and predictability in budgeting, allowing businesses to plan their finances more effectively. Typically, a monthly retainer may include services such as keyword research, content creation, link-building, technical SEO audits, and regular performance reporting.

One of the primary benefits of a monthly retainer is the ability to establish a long-term relationship with the SEO agency. This continuity enables agencies to understand better the business's objectives, website performance, and target audience, ultimately leading to more tailored strategies. Additionally, the commitment to ongoing optimization can yield better results over time, as agencies can continuously refine tactics based on data and trends. However, businesses must discuss and define the specific services included in the retainer agreement, setting clear expectations and ensuring alignment with overarching goals.

Monthly Retainer

Project-Based Pricing

Project-based pricing is another common model for SEO services, where agencies charge a fixed fee for a specific project or a defined scope of work. This model is advantageous for businesses that have well-defined goals or initiatives, such as launching a new website, conducting a comprehensive SEO audit, or implementing a targeted content marketing campaign. With project-based pricing, businesses can monitor their expenses more effectively, as the costs are predetermined and outlined in the agreement.

One of the key benefits of this model is transparency; clients know precisely what services they are paying for and the expected outcomes. This can enhance trust and accountability between the business and the agency. However, businesses must ensure that the project scope is thoroughly defined; any changes or additional requirements that arise during the project may lead to scope creep, potentially increasing overall costs. Effective communication and clear expectations regarding deliverables and timelines are essential for maximizing the benefits of project-based pricing, allowing agencies to deliver optimal results that align with the client's objectives.

Project-Based Pricing

Performance-Based Pricing

Performance-based pricing is an innovative model where SEO agencies charge clients based on the results achieved, such as increased traffic, improved search rankings, or higher conversion rates. This model aligns the interests of both parties, as agencies are incentivized to deliver tangible results that directly benefit the business. Clients may appreciate this approach, as it can lead to a more cost-effective SEO investment, where payment is contingent upon achieving specific performance metrics. One distinct advantage of performance-based pricing is that it fosters a strong collaboration between the agency and the client, driven by shared goals.

It encourages agencies to adapt their tactics proactively based on real-time data and performance trends. However, it is essential for businesses to clearly define the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that will determine success before engaging in this model. This clarity helps set realistic expectations and ensures both parties are aligned on project objectives. While this pricing model can be highly effective, it may not be suitable for every situation, as it often requires a robust tracking and reporting system to measure performance accurately.

Performance-Based Pricing

Tiered Packages

Tiered packages are a structured pricing model that offers clients various SEO services at different price points. This approach allows businesses to select a package that best fits their needs, budget, and objectives, often with increasing service and support. Typically, tiered packages range from essential to premium offerings, with each level providing an expanded suite of services, such as keyword targeting, content creation, link-building strategies, and in-depth analytics. The main advantage of tiered packages is their scalability; as a business grows and its SEO needs evolve, it can easily upgrade to a higher tier to access more comprehensive services.

This flexibility can be especially beneficial for startups or small businesses that may initially have limited budgets but anticipate growth. Additionally, tiered packages often come with predefined commitments regarding deliverables and timelines, making it easier for businesses to plan their marketing strategies. However, it is crucial for clients to review what each package includes carefully and to ensure that the services align with their specific goals, facilitating a productive partnership with the SEO agency.

Tiered Packages

Custom Pricing

Custom pricing is a flexible model designed to meet the unique needs and goals of individual businesses. Unlike standard pricing structures, custom pricing allows agencies to tailor their services and associated costs based on specific requirements, the scale of the project, and the desired outcomes. This approach can be particularly beneficial for businesses with unique demands or those operating in niche markets where predefined packages might not adequately address their SEO needs. One of the primary advantages of custom pricing is that it enables a highly personalized approach, fostering a closer alignment between the agency's strategies and the business's objectives.

Clients can collaborate with the agency to determine essential services, such as advanced technical SEO campaigns, comprehensive content strategies, or targeted link-building campaigns. However, businesses must thoroughly discuss their goals and budget constraints to avoid unexpected costs. As with any pricing model, establishing clear expectations and deliverables upfront ensures a successful partnership that drives results and enhances overall business growth.

Custom Pricing

How Much Does SEO Cost?

National SEO packages are specifically designed to help businesses improve their online presence across the country rather than focusing solely on local markets. Here is a breakdown of the different types of national SEO packages and how they can benefit businesses.

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Basic Package

The Basic National SEO Package is your starting point for enhancing your online presence nationally. This package includes comprehensive local SEO services like keyword research, on-page SEO optimization, basic content creation, and initial technical SEO assessments. For example, you might invest $500 to $1,000 monthly for a Basic Package. This could cover auditing your website's current SEO status, identifying target keywords relevant to your niche, and optimizing key search engine results pages for these keywords.

You'll also receive several blog posts or landing pages monthly to boost organic traffic. While it may not offer extensive SEO services, this foundational package sets the stage for improving search visibility and reaching a broader audience. Remember, while initial improvements are possible, achieving significant national rankings often requires upgrading to higher-tier packages as competition grows and SEO parameters evolve.

Expertise and Experience

Standard Package

The Standard National SEO Package offers a more comprehensive approach for businesses looking to strengthen their online visibility nationwide. Priced between $1,000 and $2,500 per month, this package builds upon the foundational services provided in the Basic Package, incorporating additional features designed to enhance SEO performance. Key components include advanced keyword research, enhanced on-page SEO strategies, and a more focused content marketing plan.

Businesses can expect monthly deliverables within the Standard Package, such as optimized blog posts, targeted landing pages, and ongoing technical SEO audits. Additionally, this package often includes link-building strategies to improve domain authority and drive more organic traffic to the website. As businesses seek to establish a stronger foothold in their respective industries, the Standard Package provides the tools and strategies to compete effectively, making it an appealing option for those ready to take their national SEO efforts to the next level. Properly implementing these services can improve search rankings, increase website traffic, and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Expertise and Experience

Premium Package

The Premium National SEO Package is the most comprehensive offering, delivering a complete, multi-faceted approach to achieving national search engine dominance. Pricing for this package typically ranges from $2,500 to $10,000 per month or more, depending on the complexity and scale of the project. Compared to the Basic and Standard Packages, this premium option offers businesses a significantly broader range of services designed to maximize their online presence.

Some features included in the Premium Package may include advanced keyword research and tracking capabilities, intensive on-page optimization efforts, and robust link-building strategies across multiple platforms. This package also provides access to specialized content creation services, such as video production and interactive media development, which can help businesses stand out from the competition and engage with their target audience on a deeper level.

Factors Determine Seo Pricing

Understanding national SEO pricing involves several key factors that can impact overall costs. These elements will help you make informed budgeting decisions for your SEO strategies. Here are some important aspects to consider that can affect national SEO pricing:

Scope of Services Offered

The scope of services an SEO agency offers is one of the most significant factors affecting national SEO pricing. Different agencies may offer varying levels of services, depending on their expertise and capabilities. For example, some SEO companies may only focus on specific aspects of SEO, such as keyword research and content optimization. In contrast, others may offer a comprehensive package that includes technical SEO, link building, and analytics.

A more specialized and comprehensive service package will likely cost more than a basic SEO package. This is because the agency requires more time and resources to optimize a website for full national search results. Additionally, a larger scope of comprehensive services means that the agency needs a team with different skill sets, which can also contribute to the overall cost of SEO.

Scope of Services Offered

Competition and Industry Niche

Another factor influencing national SEO pricing is competition in a particular industry niche. For industries with high competition, ranking higher in search results may require more extensive and ongoing efforts. This means that more resources and time will be needed from the agency, resulting in a higher cost for their services.

For example, if you're a business in the highly competitive e-commerce industry, you'll likely face tough competition when trying to rank for keywords related to your products. In this case, an SEO company like BEND Advisory Group may need to invest more time and effort into keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building to help your website stand out and rank higher. This can significantly impact your business's overall national SEO pricing.

Competition and Industry Niche

Existing Website State

A business’s website's current state is a crucial factor influencing national SEO pricing. SEO agencies will often evaluate the website’s structure, content quality, and technical performance before proposing a strategy. If a website is already well-optimized with a solid foundation, the costs for additional SEO work may be lower, as less time will be needed for initial improvements.

However, if the website has numerous issues, such as slow load times, poor mobile responsiveness, or insufficient content, addressing these problems can significantly increase the scope of work and, consequently, the pricing associated with the SEO services. Additionally, an outdated or poorly designed website may require a complete overhaul, further impacting costs as more extensive resources must be allocated for redesign and optimization. Understanding the existing state of your website can help our team at BEND Advisory Group set realistic expectations regarding SEO investments and outcomes.

Existing Website State

Timeline for Results

The timeline for seeing results from national SEO efforts can vary significantly based on several factors, including the scope of services chosen, the competition in the industry, and the website's current state. Generally, businesses can expect initial ranking improvements within three to six months after implementing an SEO strategy. However, meaningful and sustained results, such as increased organic traffic and higher organic search engine rankings, typically take six months to a year or more to fully materialize.

Longer timelines may be necessary for businesses in highly competitive niches, as ranking improvements require ongoing optimization, content creation, and link-building efforts. It's essential for businesses to set realistic expectations and understand that SEO is an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring, adjustments, and strategic initiatives to maintain and improve rankings over time. Regular communication with our team at BEND Advisory Group can help businesses stay informed about progress and any necessary changes to the strategy.

Timeline for Results

Geographic Targeting

As mentioned earlier, national SEO optimizes a website for a broader market, including multiple cities, states, or countries. Businesses' geographic targeting can significantly impact national SEO pricing. For example, if a business intends to target only one city, the scope of work will likely be less comprehensive than targeting an entire country.

Additionally, businesses that want to rank in multiple locations may need to invest in local SEO strategies in addition to their national efforts. This involves optimizing for specific regions and tailoring content and keywords accordingly. As a result, the cost of national SEO services may increase based on the number of locations targeted and the level of competition in those areas.

Geographic Targeting

Goals and Objectives

The specific goals and objectives that a business wants to achieve through national SEO can also influence pricing. For example, if a business is only interested in increasing website traffic, the scope of monthly SEO services may be limited to on-page optimization and content creation. However, if the goal is to drive conversions or increase brand visibility, additional strategies such as conversion rate optimization or social media marketing may need to be included in the service package, resulting in higher costs.

Businesses must clearly communicate their objectives with the SEO agency and understand how each strategy aligns with their goals. This will help ensure that the chosen services align with business objectives and provide the best return on investment. Additionally, it's important to have realistic expectations of the results that can be achieved with a particular budget. A reputable SEO company like BEND Advisory Group will work with businesses to create customized strategies tailored to their specific goals and budgets.

Goals and Objectives

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is a critical factor that affects national SEO pricing and strategy. This metric assesses how challenging ranking for specific keywords within search engine results is. High-difficulty keywords typically belong to competitive niches where numerous businesses are vying for the same audience, requiring substantial resources and time to secure higher rankings. Conversely, low-difficulty keywords may present more accessible opportunities for businesses to rank, but they often attract less traffic.

When selecting keywords, our team at BEND Advisory Group will conduct thorough research to evaluate both difficulty and search volume. This analysis helps businesses identify both short-term and long-term keyword opportunities. For highly competitive keywords, agencies may recommend a phased approach, focusing initially on less competitive terms to build domain authority and traffic before tackling more difficult keywords. Understanding keyword difficulty informs strategy and impacts the overall budget, as more resources may be needed to compete in higher-stakes categories effectively.

Keyword Difficulty

Benefits of Having a Proper Pricing Model

A well-designed pricing model for national SEO services provides several benefits to businesses. These include the following:


Clarity in SEO Costs

A structured pricing model outlines exactly what services are included in each package and how much they will cost. This clarity prevents unexpected expenses and builds trust between the client and the agency.

Value Assessment

Transparent pricing allows businesses to assess the value of the services they are receiving. By understanding the SEO cost associated with specific strategies, companies can make informed decisions about where to allocate their marketing budget.

Performance Tracking

With well-defined pricing, businesses can correlate their SEO expenses to results. This enables a better understanding of ROI and allows adjustments to be made if certain strategies are not delivering expected results.

Strategic Planning

Transparency in pricing fosters a collaborative environment where agencies can effectively communicate the rationale behind their strategies. This alignment helps businesses set realistic expectations and adjust their goals accordingly.


Flexible Options

A proper pricing model allows businesses to choose the services that best align with their objectives, budget, and timeline. This customization ensures that companies are not paying for unnecessary services and can allocate resources strategically.


As businesses grow, their SEO needs may evolve. A flexible pricing model allows for scalability, where additional services or adjustments to existing strategies can be made as needed.



A structured pricing model prevents businesses from overspending on unnecessary services or strategies. This efficiency maximizes the impact of the marketing budget and helps companies achieve their goals within a reasonable cost.

Long-Term Savings

By consistently investing in SEO services, businesses can maintain and improve their rankings over time, resulting in long-term savings compared to sporadic or one-time investments.

Expertise and Resources

Access to Tools

National SEO agencies often have access to expensive tools and resources not readily available to individual businesses. These tools can provide valuable insights for keyword research, competitor analysis, and performance tracking.

Expertise and Experience

SEO agencies have specialized knowledge and experience developing effective strategies for businesses across various industries. This expertise allows companies to tap into a wealth of continuously updated knowledge as search engine algorithms change.


Outsourcing national SEO services to experts frees up time for businesses to focus on other aspects of their operations, such as sales and customer service.


Defined Deliverables

With a structured pricing model, businesses clearly understand what they will receive from the agency. This helps hold agencies accountable and ensures all deliverables are met according to the agreed-upon terms.

Measurable Results

A proper pricing model outlines the scope of services and expected results, allowing for easier measurement of success. This accountability motivates agencies to deliver tangible results for their clients.

Ongoing Support

National SEO services often include ongoing support and communication between the agency and the business. This level of accountability ensures that strategies are continually monitored and adjusted as needed to achieve optimal results.

Common Pricing Pitfalls and Red Flags to Watch For

While SEO pricing models may vary, businesses should be aware of some common pitfalls and red flags when considering different packages. These include ten of the following:

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Hidden Fees or Unexpected Charges

Hidden fees and unexpected charges are common pitfalls businesses should be cautious of when choosing an SEO pricing package. These additional costs can quickly add up and significantly impact a company's budget for SEO services. For example, some agencies may charge extra for tasks such as keyword research or technical audits, even though these are typically included in the package cost.

To avoid falling victim to hidden fees, thoroughly discussing all services and costs upfront with the agency is crucial. At BEND Advisory Group, we have a transparent pricing model, ensuring that our clients know exactly what they're paying for and don't encounter any surprises. Our team works closely with businesses to understand their goals and budget constraints, crafting customized packages that meet their needs without hidden fees or unexpected charges. So, when considering national SEO packages, partner with an agency like BEND Advisory Group that values transparency and open communication.

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Guarantees of Overnight Success

One of the most significant red flags in SEO pricing packages is the promise of overnight success. Unfortunately, SEO is not a quick-fix solution; it requires time, consistent effort, and a strategic approach to achieve lasting results. Agencies that guarantee rapid rankings or immediate traffic spikes often resort to unethical practices, such as black hat techniques, which can lead to search engines penalizing and ultimately harming your online presence.

We believe in setting realistic expectations and focusing on sustainable growth. Instead of quick promises, we prioritize developing comprehensive strategies that lay the groundwork for long-term success. Success in national SEO is a gradual process that involves continuous optimization, quality content creation, and effective link-building. By understanding that SEO is a marathon rather than a sprint, businesses can work collaboratively with us to achieve their goals without falling victim to the allure of unrealistic guarantees. Partner with our team at BEND Advisory Group, and we'll work together to build a solid foundation for your online success.

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Lack of Customization and Personalization

Another red flag to watch for is a lack of customization or personalization in SEO pricing packages. Every business has different needs and goals, so a one-size-fits-all approach will not yield the same results for every client. Agencies that offer pre-packaged solutions without tailoring them to the individual needs of each business are likely to provide subpar services.

We recognize the unique challenges and opportunities that come with each client's industry, size, and goals. That's why we take a personalized approach to our national SEO packages, customizing each one to fit the specific needs of our clients. Our team at BEND Advisory Group conducts in-depth research and collaborates closely with businesses to understand their goals, audience, and competition, crafting a strategy that maximizes their potential for success. With our customized packages, businesses can rest assured knowing they're receiving targeted services tailored to their unique needs.

Expertise and Experience

Lack of Communication and Reporting

If agencies don't stay in regular contact with you or fail to provide consistent updates, it can lead to misunderstandings and unmet expectations. Clear communication is crucial for building trust and informing you about the strategies used and their impact on your SEO performance. We focus on maintaining open communication with you by providing detailed reports highlighting key metrics, progress updates, and insights into our strategies.

At BEND Advisory Group, we value collaboration and work closely with you to ensure you clearly understand our processes and results. We believe in transparency, and our regular updates help you feel confident in the work we're doing for you. We encourage feedback and discussion to tailor our approach as needed. Regular reporting keeps you informed and demonstrates the value of our services. By fostering transparency and communication, we empower you to understand your SEO journey and make informed decisions about your online presence.

Expertise and Experience

Unrealistic Pricing

Unrealistic pricing is another significant red flag when evaluating SEO pricing packages. While it may be tempting to choose the lowest-priced option, excessively low prices often come at the cost of quality and effectiveness. Agencies that offer services at a fraction of the market rate may cut corners, use outdated techniques, or lack the expertise necessary to deliver meaningful results. This can lead to wasted resources and missed growth opportunities.

At BEND Advisory Group, we believe in offering competitive pricing that reflects the value of high-quality SEO services. Our pricing model is designed to balance affordability and exceptional results. We invest in ongoing training and development to ensure our team stays updated with industry trends and best practices. By choosing a partner with fair and realistic pricing, businesses can trust that they receive the quality of service necessary for long-term success in a dynamic online landscape.

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Lack of Defined Goals and Strategies

A clear and well-defined strategy is fundamental to the success of any SEO campaign. One significant warning sign when evaluating SEO pricing packages is the absence of specific goals or a strategic plan tailored to your business. Agencies that do not provide a comprehensive approach may lack the competence to deliver meaningful results. Without established goals, tracking progress, evaluating success, or pivoting strategies is challenging when needed.

Our professional team at BEND Advisory Group works closely with businesses to define clear and achievable goals, creating a roadmap for success. We conduct in-depth research and analysis to understand your business and industry, identify target keywords, and create a strategy that aligns with your objectives. By setting specific goals and regularly monitoring progress, we can adapt our approach to ensure we're consistently working towards achieving meaningful results for your business. Our structured approach includes regular assessments and adjustments to ensure your SEO efforts align with your evolving business objectives. By establishing clear goals and an actionable strategy, we empower you to monitor your progress effectively and gain maximum value from your investment in SEO.

Get Started with Customised National SEO Pricing Today

Are you ready to boost your online presence and achieve sustainable growth? At BEND Advisory Group, we provide National SEO packages tailored to your business needs. We know every business is unique, so we avoid one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we invest time in understanding your company, target audience, and goals to craft a personalized strategy that delivers real results.

Whether your focus is increasing traffic, enhancing conversions, or boosting brand visibility, we're here to help. Partner with us and see the difference a customized approach can make. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let's discuss how our SEO expertise can help you achieve your goals and secure long-term success!

Get Started with Customised National SEO Pricing Today Get Started with Customised National SEO Pricing Today

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