Facebook Reviews

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These guys built a great website for our small firm. Their SEO has moved us up the search engine rankings and brought in more inquiries from clients. They get small business.

-Amber j

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As a freelancer I needed a website that would show off my work. They got it spot on with a site that showcases my portfolio. Their SEO has increased my visibility and brought in more clients. They’re responsive, professional and get small business.

-Andrew Wichel

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BEND Advisory Group gave me a website that is modern and professional for my consulting services. Their SEO has put my business on the map and I’m getting more client engagement than ever. They are responsive, professional and get small business.

-Chris Dave

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This team helped launch my small accounting firm’s website. They built a great professional website that has established our online presence. Their SEO has moved us up the local search rankings and we’re getting more client inquiries and appointments. Love it!

-David Jackson

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They built an e-commerce website for my craft store and it’s changed my business. The site is easy to use and their SEO has increased our online visibility, we’re selling more. The team were great to work with, very creative and dedicated.

-Harry Hawkins

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I can’t thank BEND Advisory Group enough for what they did for my bakery’s website. It’s not only gorgeous but also super user friendly. We’ve seen more people in store and online orders since their SEO magic. If you need a team that gets small business these are your people!

-Karty Rosey

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BEND Advisory Group didn’t build us a website they gave our business a digital identity. Their team was super responsive and attentive often anticipating our needs before we did. I loved that they dove deep into our industry to create a site that truly represents who we are. It feels like they’re part of our family now!

-Kelly Wood

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They created a cute and easy to use website for my pet grooming business. Their SEO has made a big difference, more pet owners are finding us online. The team was great to work with, making sure everything was spot on.

-Matthew Austin

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All reviews displayed here are from verified clients of BEND and are directly sourced from our official Facebook page. We are committed to full transparency and accuracy in our client feedback. For more information on how we ensure the authenticity of our content and maintain high standards, please visit our Transparency Center. We also encourage prospective clients to visit our Facebook page to read more about the experiences of our clients.

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